The Samsung Galaxy S25’s international variant has surfaced on Geekbench, revealing that it will feature the Snapdragon 8 Elite SoC, boosting expectations of a Snapdragon-only lineup for the S25 series. The device, identified by model code SM-S931B, runs Android 15 and comes with 12GB of RAM. It scored 2,986 points in the single-core test and 9,355 in the multi-core test.
While these scores are lower than other Snapdragon 8 Elite-powered phones, the Galaxy S25 could be a prototype, and retail models may perform better. This leak follows a previous Geekbench listing of the Galaxy S25+ with Samsung’s Exynos 2500 chip, but today’s sighting of the international model with Snapdragon 8 Elite adds fuel to the rumors. The Samsung Galaxy S25 series, including the S25, S25+, and S25 Ultra, is expected to be officially announced later this month.