The Motorola Razr 60 Ultra has been spotted on the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) website, suggesting an imminent launch in India. This new flip phone, powered by the Snapdragon 8s Elite processor, is expected to be an upgrade over the previous Razr 50 series. The device, bearing the model number XT2551 and codename Orion, could be officially launched around mid-2025, following a similar timeline to its predecessor.
The Razr 60 Ultra’s BIS certification is notably three months ahead of the Razr 50 Ultra’s, which could mean an earlier release in India, potentially in March or April. While specific details remain scarce, leaks suggest that the phone will feature significant upgrades, including a more powerful chipset. The Razr 60 Ultra’s arrival signals an exciting new chapter for Motorola’s flip series in the Indian market.