HDMI connectivity, a staple in nearly all laptops and PCs, is set to receive its long-awaited update during CES 2025. Introduced in 2017, HDMI 2.1 has seen no major updates, but after seven years, HDMI 2.2 is expected to debut at the event in Las Vegas, from January 7 to 11, 2025.
HDMI 2.2 is anticipated to bring significant advancements in bandwidth, resolution, and refresh rates, following the improvements seen from HDMI 2.0 to HDMI 2.1. Currently, HDMI 2.1 supports 48Gbps bandwidth, enabling 8K at 60fps and 4K at 120fps. HDMI 2.2 is expected to surpass these specifications, though exact features remain under wraps.
While official details about HDMI 2.2-compatible devices are scarce, speculation suggests that upcoming NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50 Series and AMD Radeon RX 8000 GPUs may support the new standard. CES 2025 will provide further insights on this exciting new HDMI iteration.