The upcoming Dimensity 9500, set to launch next year, is rumored to have slower clock speeds compared to Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Elite, which recently made waves for its in-house Oryon cores. According to leaks, the Dimensity 9500 will feature performance cores running at 4.00GHz, a slight improvement over its predecessor, the Dimensity 9400, whose cores topped out at 3.62GHz. In contrast, the Snapdragon 8 Elite’s Oryon performance cores can operate at 4.32GHz by default, with a potential boost to 4.57GHz under optimal cooling conditions.
While the Dimensity 9500’s Cortex-X930 cores might not see a major architectural upgrade, the Snapdragon 8 Elite’s superior clock speeds could give Qualcomm an edge. However, there are rumors that the Snapdragon 8 Elite Gen 2 could further push performance with cores clocked at 5.00GHz. These developments highlight the ongoing rivalry between Qualcomm and MediaTek as both companies race to dominate the high-performance chipset market.