We’ve spoken about how sophisticated shell scripting may benefit you as a systems administrator and how easy it is to manage your everyday activities with only a few lines of code. This will not only increase productivity but also make it easier to scale up as your firm grows. If you haven’t checked out our past posts, please do so here:
Chatter 1: https://pixelhowl.com/advanced-shell-scripting-master-class.
Chapter 2: https://pixelhowl.com/advanced-shell-scripting-part-2-automation-server-management.
So it should give you some fundamental ideas about how to design the script. So going with the same theme we are going to optimize the ssh scripts.
Optimizing Script Performance
As your Bash scripts grow in complexity and handle larger datasets, optimizing performance becomes crucial. In this section, we’ll explore various techniques to enhance the efficiency and speed of your Bash scripts, enabling them to handle more demanding tasks with improved responsiveness.
Minimizing External Command Calls
External command calls can be expensive in terms of performance. Whenever possible, use Bash built-ins or parameter expansions instead of external commands:
# Slower
count=$(echo "$string" | wc -c)
# Faster
Using Process Substitution
Process substitution can help reduce the number of subshells and temporary files:
# Instead of
sort file1 > sorted1
sort file2 > sorted2
diff sorted1 sorted2
# Use
diff <(sort file1) <(sort file2)
Leveraging Associative Arrays for Lookups
For frequent lookups, associative arrays are more efficient than repeatedly greping through files:
#declare -A user_data
while IFS=: read -r username password uid gid info home shell; do
done < /etc/passwd
# Lookup
echo "${user_data["root"]}"
Optimizing Loops
When working with loops, consider these optimizations:
- Use
loops instead ofwhile
loops when possible:
# Slower
while [ $i -lt 1000 ]; do
# do something
# Faster
for ((i=0; i<1000; i++)); do
# do something
- Avoid unnecessary subshells in loops:
# Slower
for file in *.txt; do
# operations in subshell
# Faster
for file in *.txt; do
# operations in current shell
Using mapfile
for Reading Large Files
For reading large files into an array, mapfile
(or readarray
) is more efficient than a while loop:
mapfile -t lines < large_file.txt
Parallel Processing with xargs
or GNU Parallel
For CPU-intensive tasks, leverage parallel processing:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -P 4 -I {} gzip {}
This compresses files in parallel using 4 processes.
Optimizing Case Statements
For large case statements, consider using associative arrays instead:
#declare -A actions=(
Using printf
Instead of echo
is generally faster and more predictable than echo
printf "Name: %s\nAge: %d\n" "$name" "$age"
Avoiding Unnecessary Pipe Usage
Pipes create subshells, which can be expensive. When possible, use parameter expansion or command substitution instead:
# Slower
echo "$var" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
# Faster
echo "${var^^}"
Profiling Your Script
Use the time
command to measure the execution time of your script or specific commands:
time ./your_script.sh
For more detailed profiling, you can use tools like strace
or bash -x
bash -x ./your_script.sh
Caching Expensive Operations
If your script performs expensive operations repeatedly, consider caching the results:
get_data() {
if [ -z "$cached_data" ]; then
echo "$cached_data"
Using Memory-Efficient Text Processing
For very large files, use stream editors like sed
or awk
instead of loading the entire file into memory:
sed 's/pattern/replacement/g' large_file.txt > modified_file.txt
By implementing these optimization techniques, you can significantly improve the performance of your Bash scripts, especially when dealing with large datasets or complex operations. Remember to profile your script before and after optimizations to measure the impact of your changes. Keep in mind that readability and maintainability are also important factors, so strive for a balance between performance and code clarity.
Automating System Administration Tasks
Bash scripting is a powerful tool for automating various system administration tasks, allowing you to streamline repetitive processes, manage system resources efficiently, and maintain consistent configurations across multiple systems. In this section, we’ll explore advanced techniques for automating common system administration tasks using Bash.
Automated Backup and Restore
Create a comprehensive backup script that archives important directories and databases:
date_stamp=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
# Backup important directories
tar -czf "$backup_file" /etc /home /var/www
# Backup MySQL databases
mysqldump --all-databases | gzip >> "$backup_file"
# Rotate old backups (keep last 7 days)
find "$backup_dir" -type f -mtime +7 -delete
echo "Backup completed: $backup_file"
System Monitoring and Alerting
Develop a script to monitor system resources and send alerts when thresholds are exceeded:
check_cpu_usage() {
cpu_usage=$(top -bn1 | grep "Cpu(s)" | awk '{print $2 + $4}')
if (( $(echo "$cpu_usage > 90" | bc -l) )); then
send_alert "High CPU usage: $cpu_usage%"
check_disk_space() {
disk_usage=$(df -h / | awk '/\// {print $5}' | sed 's/%//')
if [ "$disk_usage" -gt 90 ]; then
send_alert "Low disk space: $disk_usage% used"
send_alert() {
echo "$1" | mail -s "System Alert" [email protected]
Automated User Management
Create a script to automate user account creation and management:
create_user() {
# Check if user already exists
if id "$username" &>/dev/null; then
echo "User $username already exists"
return 1
# Create user and set password
useradd -m -s /bin/bash "$username"
echo "$username:$password" | chpasswd
# Add user to necessary groups
usermod -aG sudo,developers "$username"
echo "User $username created successfully"
delete_user() {
# Check if user exists
if ! id "$username" &>/dev/null; then
echo "User $username does not exist"
return 1
# Delete user and their home directory
userdel -r "$username"
echo "User $username deleted successfully"
# Usage
create_user "newuser" "password123"
delete_user "olduser"
Automated Software Updates
Develop a script to keep your system up-to-date automatically:
update_system() {
echo "$(date): Starting system update" >> "$log_file"
# Update package lists
apt-get update >> "$log_file" 2>&1
# Upgrade packages
apt-get -y upgrade >> "$log_file" 2>&1
# Remove unnecessary packages
apt-get -y autoremove >> "$log_file" 2>&1
echo "$(date): System update completed" >> "$log_file"
# Check if script is run as root
if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
exit 1
Log Rotation and Cleanup
Implement a script to manage log files, rotating and compressing old logs:
max_age=30 # days
# Compress logs older than 7 days
find "$log_dir" -type f -name "*.log" -mtime +7 -exec gzip {} \;
# Delete logs older than max_age
find "$log_dir" -type f -name "*.log.gz" -mtime +"$max_age" -delete
# Rotate current logs
for log in "$log_dir"/*.log; do
mv "$log" "${log}.1"
touch "$log"
Network Configuration Management
Create a script to manage network configurations across multiple servers:
update_network_config() {
local server=$1
local ip=$2
local gateway=$3
ssh "$server" "
sudo sed -i 's/^address.*/address $ip/' /etc/network/interfaces
sudo sed -i 's/^gateway.*/gateway $gateway/' /etc/network/interfaces
sudo systemctl restart networking
echo "Updated network configuration for $server"
# Read server configurations from a file
while IFS=, read -r server ip gateway; do
update_network_config "$server" "$ip" "$gateway"
done < server_network_config.csv
Automated Database Maintenance
Develop a script to perform regular database maintenance tasks:
# Optimize all tables in all databases
mysql -u "$db_user" -p"$db_pass" -e "
SELECT CONCAT('OPTIMIZE TABLE ', table_schema, '.', table_name, ';')
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'performance_schema', 'mysql')
" | mysql -u "$db_user" -p"$db_pass"
# Analyze all tables
mysql -u "$db_user" -p"$db_pass" -e "
SELECT CONCAT('ANALYZE TABLE ', table_schema, '.', table_name, ';')
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'performance_schema', 'mysql')
" | mysql -u "$db_user" -p"$db_pass"
echo "Database maintenance completed"
By leveraging these advanced Bash scripting techniques for system administration tasks, you can significantly improve the efficiency and consistency of your IT operations. These scripts serve as a foundation that you can build upon and customize to suit your specific needs. Remember to thoroughly test your scripts in a safe environment before deploying them in production, and always include proper error handling and logging to ensure smooth operation and easy troubleshooting.
Securing Your Bash Scripts
As you develop more advanced Bash scripts, especially those used for system administration or handling sensitive data, it’s crucial to implement robust security measures. Securing your scripts helps protect against unauthorized access, data breaches, and potential system compromises. In this section, we’ll explore various techniques to enhance the security of your Bash scripts.
Implementing Proper File Permissions
Ensure that your scripts have appropriate permissions to prevent unauthorized access or modification:
# Set script to be executable only by owner
chmod 700 myscript.sh
# If the script needs to be run by others, use sudo instead of making it world-executable
sudo ./myscript.sh
Using Secure Temporary Files
When creating temporary files, use mktemp
to generate unique, unpredictable filenames:
temp_file=$(mktemp /tmp/myapp.XXXXXX)
trap 'rm -f "$temp_file"' EXIT
Providing you with a detailed set of tutorials for systems administration and linux administration with real life examples and free scripts.
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