The journey continues to excel in shell scripting using the simple techniques. As you will find from the previous two tutorials:
Part 1:
Part 2:
we have moved through some fairly important and complex concepts with examples and real world sample scripts that you can try on a test machine. Today we will try to go a bit deeper into the real essence, that is the text processing which is quite important as an admin.
Without text manipulation you will have to manually go through the results and get the data out. But we can automate the process so lets dive in without wasting time.
Advanced Text Processing Techniques
Text processing is a fundamental aspect of Bash scripting, and mastering advanced techniques can significantly enhance your ability to manipulate and analyze data. In this section, we’ll explore powerful tools and methods for processing text efficiently in your Bash scripts.
Sed: Stream Editor for Text Transformation
is a powerful stream editor that allows you to perform complex text transformations. Here are some advanced sed
Multi-line Pattern Matching
You can use sed
to match and manipulate multi-line patterns:
sed -n '/START/,/END/p' file.txt
This command prints all lines between ‘START’ and ‘END’ (inclusive).
In-place Editing with Backup
Modify files in-place while creating a backup:
sed -i.bak 's/old/new/g' file.txt
This replaces all occurrences of ‘old’ with ‘new’ and creates a backup file named ‘file.txt.bak’.
Using Sed with Variables
You can use variables in sed
commands by employing shell quoting:
sed "s/$old_text/$new_text/g" file.txt
Awk: Pattern Scanning and Processing
is a versatile tool for processing structured text data. Here are some advanced awk
Custom Field Separators
Use custom field separators for parsing structured data:
awk -F':' '{print $1, $3}' /etc/passwd
This prints the first and third fields of the passwd file, using ‘:’ as the separator.
Conditional Processing
Perform actions based on conditions:
awk '$3 > 1000 {print $1, $3}' data.txt
This prints the first and third fields only for lines where the third field is greater than 1000.
Calculating Sums and Averages
Use awk
for simple calculations:
awk '{sum += $1} END {print "Average:", sum/NR}' numbers.txt
This calculates the average of numbers in the first column.
Regular Expressions for Pattern Matching
Regular expressions (regex) are powerful tools for pattern matching and text manipulation. Here are some advanced regex techniques:
Lookahead and Lookbehind Assertions
Use lookahead and lookbehind to match patterns based on what comes before or after:
grep -P '(?<=\bfoo\s)\w+' file.txt # Matches words that come after 'foo'
grep -P '\w+(?=\sbar\b)' file.txt # Matches words that come before 'bar'
Non-Greedy Matching
Use ?
after quantifiers for non-greedy matching:
echo "This is a <tag>example</tag> text" | grep -oP '<.*?>'
This matches the shortest possible string between < and >.
Named Capture Groups
Use named capture groups for more readable regex:
grep -P '(?<year>\d{4})-(?<month>\d{2})-(?<day>\d{2})' dates.txt
Advanced String Manipulation in Bash
Bash itself provides several built-in string manipulation techniques:
Substring Extraction
Extract parts of strings using parameter expansion:
string="Hello, World!"
echo ${string:7:5} # Outputs: World
String Replacement
Replace parts of strings:
string="Hello, World!"
echo ${string/World/Universe} # Outputs: Hello, Universe!
Case Conversion
Convert string case:
string="Hello, World!"
echo ${string^^} # Outputs: HELLO, WORLD!
echo ${string,,} # Outputs: hello, world!
By mastering these advanced text processing techniques, you’ll be able to handle complex data manipulation tasks efficiently in your Bash scripts. These tools and methods provide powerful ways to extract, transform, and analyze text data, enabling you to create more sophisticated and capable scripts for a wide range of applications.
Implementing Robust Error Handling
Error handling is a crucial aspect of writing reliable and maintainable Bash scripts. Proper error handling helps you identify and address issues quickly, prevent unexpected behavior, and provide meaningful feedback to users. In this section, we’ll explore advanced techniques for implementing robust error handling in your Bash scripts.
Setting Up Error Traps
The trap
command allows you to catch signals and execute specific code when they occur. This is particularly useful for cleaning up temporary files or resetting the environment when a script exits unexpectedly:
cleanup() {
echo "Cleaning up temporary files..."
rm -f /tmp/tempfile_$$
exit 1
trap cleanup EXIT
# Your script logic here
This setup ensures that the cleanup
function is called when the script exits, regardless of how it exits.
Handling Specific Error Conditions
You can use conditional statements to check for specific error conditions and handle them appropriately:
if ! command -v jq &> /dev/null; then
echo "Error: jq is not installed. Please install it and try again."
exit 1
if [ ! -f "$config_file" ]; then
echo "Error: Configuration file not found: $config_file"
exit 1
Using Set Options for Stricter Error Checking
Bash provides several options that can help catch errors early. Here are some useful ones:
set -e # Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status
set -u # Treat unset variables as an error
set -o pipefail # Return value of a pipeline is the status of the last command to exit with a non-zero status
# Or combine them:
set -euo pipefail
Implementing Custom Error Handling Functions
Create custom functions to standardize error reporting and handling:
error_exit() {
echo "ERROR: $1" >&2
exit 1
# Usage
[ -z "$important_var" ] && error_exit "Important variable is not set"
Logging Errors and Debugging Information
Implement a logging system to track errors and debugging information:
log_error() {
echo "[ERROR] $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - $1" >> error.log
log_debug() {
if [ "$DEBUG" = true ]; then
echo "[DEBUG] $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - $1" >> debug.log
# Usage
log_error "Failed to connect to the database"
log_debug "Attempting to reconnect..."
Handling Command-line Arguments Safely
Use getopts
to handle command-line arguments safely and provide meaningful error messages for invalid inputs:
while getopts ":a:b:h" opt; do
case ${opt} in
a )
b )
h )
echo "Usage: $0 [-a ARG] [-b ARG]"
exit 0
\? )
echo "Invalid option: $OPTARG" 1>&2
exit 1
: )
echo "Invalid option: $OPTARG requires an argument" 1>&2
exit 1
shift $((OPTIND -1))
Implementing Timeout Mechanisms
For operations that might hang, implement a timeout mechanism:
timeout_cmd() {
( $command ) & pid=$!
( sleep $timeout && kill -HUP $pid ) 2>/dev/null & watcher=$!
wait $pid 2>/dev/null && pkill -HUP -P $watcher
# Usage
timeout_cmd 5 curl || echo "Command timed out after 5 seconds"
Validating Input Data
Always validate input data before processing it:
validate_integer() {
if ! [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
error_exit "Invalid integer: $1"
# Usage
validate_integer "$age"
By implementing these advanced error handling techniques, you can create more robust and reliable Bash scripts. Proper error handling not only helps in debugging and maintaining your scripts but also improves the user experience by providing clear and meaningful error messages. As you develop more complex scripts, make error handling an integral part of your development process to ensure your scripts can gracefully handle unexpected situations.
Bonus Script
So combining both the parameters of text manipulation and error handling – you can create a similar script like:
LOG_FILE="/var/log/syslog" # Change this to the log file you want to process
# Check if the log file exists
if [ ! -f "$LOG_FILE" ]; then
echo "Error: Log file $LOG_FILE not found!" >&2
exit 1
# Extract error and warning messages, handling any failures
if ! grep -iE "error|warning" "$LOG_FILE" > "$OUTPUT_FILE"; then
echo "Error: Failed to extract errors from $LOG_FILE" >&2
exit 1
# Use sed to clean up the log entries (remove timestamps and extra spaces)
sed -E 's/^([A-Za-z]{3} [0-9]{1,2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}) //' "$OUTPUT_FILE" | sed 's/\s\+/ /g' > "$CLEANED_FILE"
echo "Filtered errors and warnings saved to $OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "Cleaned log entries saved to $CLEANED_FILE"
The script will go through the syslog folder and see if the log file is present or not – if not then it will throw the error. This sums all that we have learned – uses text manipulation to manage the file name and also handles errors.