Leica Unveils Lux Grip: A €300 iPhone Camera Grip for Photography Enthusiasts

Leica has introduced the Lux Grip, a premium MagSafe camera grip for iPhones, priced at €300. Designed for photography enthusiasts who prefer their smartphones over traditional cameras, the Lux Grip offers an ergonomic design, a two-stage shutter button, and customizable controls. It connects via Bluetooth LE and works alongside the Leica Lux app, which enhances images with Leica’s signature aesthetics.

The grip’s rechargeable battery supports up to 1,000 shots, and its MagSafe base plate ensures reusability with future iPhones. Leica promises a “classic camera feel” with this accessory, making it a luxury addition to mobile photography. Buyers also receive a free one-year subscription to the app’s Pro version.

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